You always hear that thinking positive thoughts and eating a good diet will do good things for your body. I was working with a chemist to create these illustrations, and I learned why this is physiologically true. Many different elements go into our cells. Looking at the healthy and happy cells in the graphic, we see that we do have much control over our health. Stressing and exposing yourself to harmful chemicals produce undesirable outputs.
In your opinion, do you think this information can be communicated more quickly and effectively from reading a text paragraph or reading a graphic? Here’s what the client said about adding this illustration (and many others) to her course:
“They Loved the graphics. It really made the whole course so much richer and more FUN! Your illustrations made the concepts so much easier to explain… They had a great time. LOTS of laughter and engagement. Sincere Thanks for the Contribution you made to them and to me. This course is now definitely a Keeper!”
Concepts that are difficult to explain are so much easier to see when they are illustrated. Think about your situations. Do you have complexities – perhaps like financial concepts, scientific explanations or processes that your workforce or audience just doesn’t ‘get’ so easily? Use a graphic format to communicate with ease! Contact me to learn how to make your message clear.